Source code for equip.instrument

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

  Main interface to handle the instrumentation and run the visitors.

  :copyright: (c) 2014 by Romain Gaucher (@rgaucher)
  :license: Apache 2, see LICENSE for more details.
from .prog import Program
from .bytecode import BytecodeObject
from .visitors import MethodVisitor

from .utils.log import logger

[docs]class Instrumentation(object): """ Main class for handling the instrumentation. The typical workflow is: 1. Set the location from the ctor or using the `location` setter 2. Update options, such as `force-rebuild` 3. Call `prepare_program` to scan the file system for source/bytecode 4. Register any `on_enter`/`on_exit` instrumentation callbacks 5. `apply` the instrumentation using a customer visitor """ #: The list of known options KNOWN_OPTIONS = ('force-rebuild',) def __init__(self, location=None): self.options = {} self._location = location self.program = None self.apply_ran = False self.wrapping_code = { 'on_enter': None, 'on_exit': None }
[docs] def set_option(self, key, value=True): """ Sets one of the options used later one by the instrumentation. The available options are listed in `KNOWN_OPTIONS`. :param key: The name of the option to set. :param value: The value of the option. Defaults to ``True``. """ if key not in Instrumentation.KNOWN_OPTIONS: raise Exception('Unknown option `%s`' % key) self.options[key] = value
[docs] def get_option(self, key): """ Gets the value of an option. Defaults to ``None``. :param key: The name of the option. """ if key not in Instrumentation.KNOWN_OPTIONS: raise Exception('Unknown option `%s`' % key) return self.options.get(key, None)
@property def location(self): """ The path that contains the bytecode of the application to instrument. The path can either be a string or an iterable. """ return self._location @location.setter def location(self, value): self._location = value
[docs] def prepare_program(self): """ Builds the representation of the program, and compiles all source files if it's either necessary (e.g., missing bytecode for existing source) or if the ``force-rebuild`` option is set. """ self.program = Program(self) return self.program is not None
[docs] def apply(self, visitor, rewrite=False): """ Runs the visitor over all matching types (e.g., MethodDeclaration, etc.). :param visitor: The instance of the visitor to run over the program. :param rewrite: Whether the instrumentation should overwrite the bytecode file (pyc) at the end. Default is `False`. """ self.apply_ran = True bytecode_files = self.program.bytecode_files for bc_file in bytecode_files: self.instrument(visitor, bc_file, rewrite)
[docs] def instrument(self, visitor, bytecode_file, rewrite=False): """ Loads the representation of the bytecode in `bytecode_file`, and apply the visitor to the representation. :param visitor: The instance of the visitor to run over the representation of the bytecode. :param bytecode_file: Absolute path of the file containing the bytecode (pyc). :param rewrite: Whether the instrumentation should overwrite the bytecode file (pyc) at the end. Default is `False`. """ logger.debug("File: %s", bytecode_file) code = BytecodeObject(bytecode_file) code.accept(visitor) if rewrite: if self.wrapping_code['on_enter']: code.add_enter_code(*self.wrapping_code['on_enter']) if self.wrapping_code['on_exit']: code.add_exit_code(*self.wrapping_code['on_exit']) if code.has_changes: code.write()
[docs] def on_enter(self, python_code, import_code=None): """ Inserts the ``python_code`` at the beginning of the module inside an if statement. The resulting injected code looks like this:: if __name__ == '__main__': python_code :param python_code: Python code to inject before the module gets executed (if it's executed under main). The code is not executed if it's not under main. :param import_code: Python code that contains the import statements that might be required by the injected ``python_code``. Defaults to None. """ if self.apply_ran: raise Exception('on_enter method should be called before `Instrumentation::apply`') self.wrapping_code['on_enter'] = (python_code, import_code)
[docs] def on_exit(self, python_code, import_code=None): """ Inserts the ``python_code`` at the end of the module inside an if statement. The resulting injected code looks like this:: if __name__ == '__main__': python_code :param python_code: Python code to inject after the module gets executed (if it's executed under main). The code is not executed if it's not under main. :param import_code: Python code that contains the import statements that might be required by the injected ``python_code``. Defaults to None. """ if self.apply_ran: raise Exception('on_exit method should be called before `Instrumentation::apply`') self.wrapping_code['on_exit'] = (python_code, import_code)
[docs] def validate(self): """ Debugging info for the instrumented bytecode. Iterates again over all the bytecode and dumps the current (instrmented) bytecode. """ class SimpleMethodVisitor(MethodVisitor): def __init__(self): MethodVisitor.__init__(self) def visit(self, methDecl): logger.debug("visit methDecl:=%s", methDecl) logger.debug("code object := %s", methDecl.code_object) logger.debug(get_debug_code_object_info(methDecl.code_object)) bc = BytecodeObject.get_parsed_code(methDecl.code_object) logger.debug("\n%s", show_bytecode(bc)) logger.debug("End visit") for bytecode_file in self.program.bytecode_files: code = BytecodeObject(bytecode_file) code.parse() main_module = code.get_module() if not main_module: logger.error("Cannot find module for %s", bytecode_file) continue logger.debug("Tree:\n%s", BytecodeObject.build_tree(main_module)) logger.debug("Module bytecode:\n%s", show_bytecode(main_module.bytecode)) # Print the bytecode for each method simple_visitor = SimpleMethodVisitor() code.accept(simple_visitor)