Source code for equip.bytecode.code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

  Parsing and representation of the supplied bytecode.

  :copyright: (c) 2014 by Romain Gaucher (@rgaucher)
  :license: Apache 2, see LICENSE for more details.
import dis
import opcode
import marshal
import time
import struct
import types
import operator
import traceback
import imp
from dis import findlinestarts, findlabels

from ..utils.log import logger

from .utils import show_bytecode
from .decl import ModuleDeclaration, \
                  TypeDeclaration,   \
                  MethodDeclaration, \
                  FieldDeclaration,  \

from ..visitors.bytecode import BytecodeVisitor
from ..visitors.classes import ClassVisitor
from ..visitors.methods import MethodVisitor
from ..visitors.modules import ModuleVisitor

# Flags from code.h
CO_OPTIMIZED              = 0x0001      # use LOAD/STORE_FAST instead of _NAME
CO_NEWLOCALS              = 0x0002      # only cleared for module/exec code
CO_VARARGS                = 0x0004
CO_VARKEYWORDS            = 0x0008
CO_NESTED                 = 0x0010      # ???
CO_GENERATOR              = 0x0020
CO_NOFREE                 = 0x0040      # set if no free or cell vars
CO_GENERATOR_ALLOWED      = 0x1000      # unused
# The future flags are only used on code generation, so we can ignore them.
# (It does cause some warnings, though.)
CO_FUTURE_DIVISION        = 0x2000


[docs]class BytecodeObject(object): """ This class parses the bytecode from a file and constructs the representation from it. The result is: * One module (type: ``ModuleDeclaration``) * The bytecode expanded into intelligible structure. * Construction of nested declarations, and hierarchy of declaration types. """ def __init__(self, pyc_file, lazy_load=True): """ Builds the representation of the bytecode, as well as the nested ``Declaration`` structures based on the bytecode contained in the binary file. :param pyc_file: The compiled python file that contains the bytecode. """ self.code = None self.magic = None self.moddate = None self.modif_date = None self.pyc_file = pyc_file if not lazy_load: self.parse() self.main_module = None self.bytecode = [] self.all_decls = set()
[docs] def parse(self): """ Parses the binary file (pyc) and extract the bytecode out of it. Keeps the magic number as well as the timestamp for serialization. """ fd = open(self.pyc_file, 'rb') self.magic = self.moddate = self.modif_date = long(struct.unpack('<l', self.moddate)[0]) co = marshal.load(fd) self.parse_code(co)
[docs] def parse_code(self, co): """ Parses a Python code object. Mostly useful for testing. """ self.code = co self.bytecode = [] try: self.load_bytecode(self.code) self.build_representation() except Exception, ex: logger.error("parse error: %s", repr(ex), exc_info=ex)
[docs] def get_module(self): """ Returns the ModuleDeclaration associated with the current bytecode. """ return self.main_module
[docs] def get_bytecode(self): """ Returns the current translated bytecode. """ return self.bytecode
@property def declarations(self): """ Returns a set of all the declarations found in the current bytecode. """ return self.all_decls @property def has_changes(self): """ Returns `True` if any change was performed on the module. This is used to know if we need to rewrite or not a pyc file. """ return self.main_module.has_changes
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): """ Runs the visitor over the nested declarations found in the this module, or the entire bytecode if it's a `BytecodeVisitor`. """ if not self.code: self.parse() if isinstance(visitor, BytecodeVisitor): for i in xrange(len(self.bytecode)): index, lineno, op, arg, cflow_in, _ = self.bytecode[i] visitor.visit(index, op, arg=arg, lineno=lineno, cflow_in=cflow_in) elif isinstance(visitor, ModuleVisitor): visitor.visit(self.main_module) elif isinstance(visitor, ClassVisitor) or isinstance(visitor, MethodVisitor): if not self.main_module: logger.debug("No main_module") return self.__depth_visitor_run(visitor)
def __depth_visitor_run(self, visitor): """ Needs to traverse the entire tree structure of declaration objects, to execute the visitor over them. """ logger.debug("Execute visitor on: %s, main_module=%s", visitor, self.main_module) cache = set() is_class_visitor = isinstance(visitor, ClassVisitor) stack = [self.main_module] while stack: current = stack.pop() children = current.children logger.debug("Visit children: %s", children) for child in children: if not child: continue if (is_class_visitor and isinstance(child, TypeDeclaration)) \ or (not is_class_visitor and isinstance(child, MethodDeclaration)): if child in cache: continue visitor.visit(child) cache.add(child) stack.insert(0, child)
[docs] def add_enter_code(self, python_code, import_code=None): """ Adds enter callback in the module. The callback code (both ``import_code`` and ``python_code``) is wrapped in a main test if statement:: if __name__ == '__main__': import_code python_code :param python_code: Python code to inject before the module gets executed (if it's executed under main). The code is not executed if it's not under main. :param import_code: Python code that contains the import statements that might be required by the injected ``python_code``. Defaults to None. """ from ..rewriter.simple import SimpleRewriter rewriter = SimpleRewriter(self.main_module) rewriter.insert_enter_code(python_code, import_code)
[docs] def add_exit_code(self, python_code, import_code=None): """ Adds exit callback in the module. The callback code (both ``import_code`` and ``python_code``) is wrapped in a main test if statement:: if __name__ == '__main__': import_code python_code :param python_code: Python code to inject after the module gets executed (if it's executed under main). The code is not executed if it's not under main. :param import_code: Python code that contains the import statements that might be required by the injected ``python_code``. Defaults to None. """ from ..rewriter.simple import SimpleRewriter rewriter = SimpleRewriter(self.main_module) rewriter.insert_exit_code(python_code, import_code)
[docs] def write(self): """ Persists the changes in the bytecode. This overwrites the current file that contains the bytecode with the new bytecode while preserving the timestamp. Note that the magic number if changed to be the one from the current Python version that runs the instrumentation process. """ if not self.has_changes: logger.debug("Skip writing %s, no changes detected.", self.main_module.module_path) return try: new_co = self.main_module.code_object # Always keep the changed time from the source source_file = self.main_module.module_path.replace('.pyc', '.py') timestamp = self.modif_date try: timestamp = long(os.stat(source_file).st_mtime) except: pass fd = open(self.main_module.module_path, 'wb') fd.write('\0\0\0\0') # Magic placeholder fd.write(struct.pack('<l', timestamp)) marshal.dump(new_co, fd) fd.flush(), 0) fd.write(imp.get_magic()) fd.close() logger.debug("Wrote file %s", self.main_module.module_path) return True except Exception, ex: logger.error("Exception- %s", str(ex)) logger.error("\n%s", traceback.format_exc()) return False
[docs] def build_representation(self): """ Builds the internal representation of declarations and how they relate to each other. It works by creating a map of type/method declaration indices, and then associate the bytecode for each of them. When all declarations are created, the parenting process runs and creates the tree structure of the decalrations, such as:: ModuleDeclaration() - TypeDeclaration(name='SomeClass') - MethodDeclaration#lineno(name='methodOfSomeClass') - MethodDeclaration#lineno(name='otherMethodOfSomeClass') This representation is required to run the visitors. """ if not self.bytecode: return decl_counter = 0 self.all_decls = set() decl_map = {} # logger.debug("Bytecode:\n%s", show_bytecode(self.bytecode)) class_decl_indices, method_decl_indices = BytecodeObject.find_classes_methods(self.bytecode) interest_indices = class_decl_indices.union(method_decl_indices) current_co = self.bytecode[0][5] self.main_module = ModuleDeclaration(self.pyc_file, current_co) self.main_module.bytecode = self.bytecode self.main_module.bytecode_object = self module_lines = (1, max([self.bytecode[i][1] for i in xrange(len(self.bytecode))]), decl_counter) self.main_module.lines = module_lines BytecodeObject.parse_imports(self.main_module, self.bytecode) decl_map[module_lines] = self.main_module decl_counter += 1 self.all_decls.add(self.main_module) for tpl_indices in interest_indices: decl = None start_index, end_index = tpl_indices index, lineno, op, arg, _, co = self.bytecode[start_index] end_lineno = max([self.bytecode[i][1] for i in xrange(start_index, min(end_index + 1, len(self.bytecode)))]) decl_co = BytecodeObject.next_code_object(self.bytecode, start_index) lines_tuple = (lineno, end_lineno, decl_counter) i = start_index if tpl_indices in class_decl_indices: # Class specific information decl = TypeDeclaration(decl_co.co_name, decl_co) else: # Method specific information decl = MethodDeclaration(decl_co.co_name, decl_co) decl.formal_params = BytecodeObject.get_formal_params(decl_co) decl.bytecode = self.bytecode[start_index:end_index] decl.lines = lines_tuple[:2] self.all_decls.add(decl) decl_map[lines_tuple] = decl decl_counter += 1 co_deps_graph = { self.main_module.code_object : {} } i, length = 0, len(self.bytecode) while i < length: op, arg, co = self.bytecode[i][2], self.bytecode[i][3], self.bytecode[i][5] if op == LOAD_CONST and isinstance(arg, types.CodeType): if co not in co_deps_graph: co_deps_graph[co] = dict() if arg not in co_deps_graph[co]: co_deps_graph[co][arg] = dict() decl_parent = self.get_decl(code_object=co) decl_child = self.get_decl(code_object=arg) decl_child.parent = decl_parent i += 1 logger.debug('\n' + BytecodeObject.build_tree(self.main_module))
[docs] def get_decl(self, code_object=None, method_name=None, type_name=None): """ Returns the declaration associated to the code_object ``co``, or supplied name. Warning: This is only valid until the rewriter is called on the declarations. :param code_object: Python code object type :param method_name: Name of the method. :param type_name: Name of the type. """ if code_object is not None: for decl in self.declarations: if decl.code_object == code_object: return decl elif method_name is not None: results = [] for decl in self.declarations: if isinstance(decl, MethodDeclaration) and decl.method_name == method_name: results.append(decl) if not results: return None return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results elif type_name is not None: results = [] for decl in self.declarations: if isinstance(decl, TypeDeclaration) and decl.type_name == type_name: results.append(decl) if not results: return None return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results return None
[docs] def build_tree(root, indent=''): """ Returns a string that represents the tree of ``Declaration`` types. """ buffer = '' buffer += indent + repr(root) + '\n' for c in root.children: buffer += BytecodeObject.build_tree(c, indent + ' ') return buffer
[docs] def finalize_decl_object(kind, acc_data): pass
[docs] def next_code_object(bytecode, index): i = index while i < len(bytecode): co = bytecode[i][5] if isinstance(co, types.CodeType): return co i += 1 return None
[docs] def prev_code_object(bytecode, index): i = index while i <= 0: co = bytecode[i][5] if isinstance(co, types.CodeType): return co i -= 1 return None
[docs] def find_classes_methods(bytecode): """ Finds the indices of the classes and methods declared in the bytecode. This is done by matching code_object of the declaration and the ``MAKE_FUNCTION`` or ``BUILD_CLASS`` opcode. """ class_indices = set() method_indices = set() class_lines = set() method_lines = set() # code object -> (start, end) co_lines = {} classes_co = set() methods_co = set() i, length = 0, len(bytecode) while i < length: tpl = bytecode[i] lineno, op_code, co = tpl[1], tpl[2], tpl[5] if op_code == BUILD_CLASS: class_co = bytecode[i - 3][5] co_lines[class_co] = lineno classes_co.add(class_co) class_lines.add(lineno) elif op_code in (MAKE_FUNCTION, MAKE_CLOSURE): if i < length - 3 and bytecode[i + 1][2] == CALL_FUNCTION and bytecode[i + 2][2] == BUILD_CLASS: i += 1 continue prev_co = bytecode[i - 1][5] method_lines.add(lineno) methods_co.add(prev_co) co_lines[prev_co] = lineno i += 1 # This multi-pass should be refactored... for decl_co in co_lines: if decl_co not in methods_co and decl_co not in classes_co: continue dest_set = method_indices if decl_co in methods_co else class_indices i, length = 0, len(bytecode) start_index, end_index = 0, 0 while i < length: co = bytecode[i][5] if co == decl_co: start_index = i j = i + 1 while j < length: if bytecode[j][5] == decl_co: end_index = j j += 1 break i += 1 # logger.debug("decl_co(%d, %d) := %s", start_index, end_index, decl_co) dest_set.add((start_index, end_index)) return class_indices, method_indices
[docs] def get_formal_params(code_object): """ Returns the ordered list of formal parameters (arguments) of a method. :param code_object: The code object of the method. """ varargs = bool(code_object.co_flags & CO_VARARGS) varkwargs = bool(code_object.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS) args = code_object.co_varnames[:code_object.co_argcount + varargs + varkwargs] return args
[docs] def load_bytecode(self, code_object): BytecodeObject.parse_code_object(code_object, self.bytecode) # logger.debug("Bytecode for %s:\n%s" % (code_object, show_bytecode(self.bytecode)))
[docs] def get_parsed_code(code_object): bytecode = [] BytecodeObject.parse_code_object(code_object, bytecode) return bytecode
[docs] def parse_code_object(code_object, bytecode): """ Parses the bytecode (``co_code`` field of the code object) and dereferences the ``oparg`` for later analysis. :param code_object: The code object containing the bytecode to analyze :param bytecode: The list that will be used to append the expanded bytecode sequences. """ if not code_object: return code = code_object.co_code labels = findlabels(code_object.co_code) linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(code_object)) global_free = code_object.co_cellvars + code_object.co_freevars newlocals = bool(code_object.co_flags & CO_NEWLOCALS) length = len(code) i = 0 lineno = -1 extended_arg = 0 while i < length: c = code[i] op = ord(c) if i in linestarts: lineno = linestarts[i] arg1 = None cflow_in = i in labels current_index = i i += 1 if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = ord(code[i]) + (ord(code[i+1]) << 8) + extended_arg i += 2 label = -1 extended_arg = 0 if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = (oparg << 16) if op in opcode.hasconst: arg1 = code_object.co_consts[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasname: arg1 = code_object.co_names[oparg] elif op in opcode.haslocal: arg1 = code_object.co_varnames[oparg] elif op in opcode.hascompare: arg1 = opcode.cmp_op[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasfree: arg1 = global_free[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasjrel: arg1 = oparg elif op in opcode.hasjabs: arg1 = oparg else: arg1 = oparg bytecode.append((current_index, lineno, op, arg1, cflow_in, code_object)) if arg1 and isinstance(arg1, types.CodeType): BytecodeObject.parse_code_object(arg1, bytecode)
[docs] def parse_imports(main_module, bytecode): """ Extracts and adds import statements to the ``ModuleDeclaration``. """ import_stmts = BytecodeObject.get_imports_from_bytecode(main_module.code_object, bytecode) for imp_stmt in import_stmts: main_module.add_import(imp_stmt)
[docs] def get_imports_from_bytecode(code_object, bytecode): """ Parses the import statements from the bytecode and constructs a list of ``ImportDeclaration``. """ last_import_ref_idx = BytecodeObject.get_last_import_ref(bytecode, code_object) imports_bc = bytecode[:last_import_ref_idx + 1] import_stmts = [] final_import_stmts = [] # Split all the imports into single statements started = False buffer = [] for tpl in imports_bc: if tpl[2] == LOAD_CONST and isinstance(tpl[3], int): started = True if len(buffer) > 0: import_stmts.append(buffer) buffer = [] if started: buffer.append(tpl) if len(buffer) > 0: import_stmts.append(buffer) logger.debug("Found %d import statements", len(import_stmts)) for import_stmt in import_stmts: arg = import_stmt[0][3] import_star = False import_root = None aliased_names = [] # [(import_name, import_alias)] num_dots = arg if arg >= 0 else 0 # We have -1 if it's not a relative import i, length = 0, len(import_stmt) while i < length: op, arg = import_stmt[i][2], import_stmt[i][3] next_op = import_stmt[i + 1][2] if i < length - 1 else -1 next_next_op = import_stmt[i + 2][2] if i < length - 2 else -1 if op in (IMPORT_NAME, IMPORT_FROM) and next_op in (STORE_NAME, STORE_FAST): # Simple import statement next_arg = import_stmt[i + 1][3] if next_arg == arg or arg.startswith(next_arg + '.'): # No alias aliased_names.append((arg, None)) else: aliased_names.append((arg, next_arg)) elif op == IMPORT_NAME and next_op == LOAD_ATTR and next_next_op == STORE_NAME: next_arg = import_stmt[i + 2][3] aliased_names.append((arg, next_arg)) elif op == IMPORT_NAME: if import_root is not None: logger.error("Already defined a root: %s vs current %s", import_root, arg) if arg: import_root = arg if next_op == IMPORT_STAR: import_star = True i += 1 # Instantiate the import stmt in the module imp_stmt = ImportDeclaration(code_object) imp_stmt.root = import_root = import_star imp_stmt.dots = num_dots imp_stmt.aliases = aliased_names final_import_stmts.append(imp_stmt) return final_import_stmts # Fine the last reference to an import stmt in the current code_object
[docs] def get_last_import_ref(bytecode, code_object): """ Find the last reference of an import statement in the bytecode. """ i, length = 0, len(bytecode) last_index = -1 while i < length: op, co = bytecode[i][2], bytecode[i][5] if op in (IMPORT_FROM, IMPORT_NAME) and co == code_object: last_index = i i += 1 if last_index > -1: # Need to unroll until the next STORE_NAME while last_index < length: op = bytecode[last_index][2] if op == STORE_NAME: break last_index += 1 return last_index