Source code for equip.bytecode.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

  Utilities for bytecode interaction.

  :copyright: (c) 2014 by Romain Gaucher (@rgaucher)
  :license: Apache 2, see LICENSE for more details.
import opcode
import types
import dis
from opcode import *
from opcode import __all__ as _opcodes_all

from ..utils.log import logger

# Look into the main_co if we get orignal_co, if so we replace it with new_co
[docs]def update_nested_code_object(main_co, original_co, new_co): if not main_co: return logger.debug("Looking in main %s, replace by %s" % (original_co, new_co)) main_co_consts = main_co.co_consts co_index = -1 for co_const in main_co_consts: if not isinstance(co_const, types.CodeType): continue if co_const == original_co: co_index = main_co_consts.index(co_const) break if co_index < 0: logger.debug("Cannot find %s in main_co: %s" % (original_co, main_co_consts)) return main_co new_co_consts = main_co.co_consts[:co_index] + (new_co,) + main_co.co_consts[co_index + 1:] main_co = types.CodeType(main_co.co_argcount, main_co.co_nlocals, main_co.co_stacksize, main_co.co_flags, main_co.co_code, new_co_consts, main_co.co_names, main_co.co_varnames, main_co.co_filename, main_co.co_name, main_co.co_firstlineno, main_co.co_lnotab, main_co.co_freevars, main_co.co_cellvars) logger.debug("Created new CO: %s" % main_co) return main_co
[docs]def show_bytecode(bytecode, start=0, end=2**32): buffer = [] j = start end = min(end, len(bytecode) - 1) while j <= end: index, lineno, op, arg, _, co = bytecode[j] uid = hex(id(co))[-5:] if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: rts = repr(arg) if len(rts) > 40: rts = rts[:40] + '[...]' jump_target = '' if op in opcode.hasjrel or op in opcode.hasjabs: jump_address = arg if op in hasjabs else index + arg + 3 jump_target = ' -------------> (%3d)' % jump_address buffer.append("[%5s]%3d(%3d) %20s(%3d) (%s)%s" % (uid, lineno, index, opcode.opname[op], op, rts, jump_target)) else: buffer.append("[%5s]%3d(%3d) %20s(%3d)" % (uid, lineno, index, opcode.opname[op], op)) j += 1 return '\n'.join(buffer)
CO_FIELDS = ('co_argcount', 'co_cellvars', 'co_consts', 'co_filename', 'co_firstlineno', 'co_flags', 'co_freevars', 'co_lnotab', 'co_name', 'co_names', 'co_nlocals', 'co_stacksize', 'co_varnames')
[docs]def get_debug_code_object_info(code_object): buffer = [] for field in CO_FIELDS: field_name = field.replace('co_', '') val = getattr(code_object, field) buffer.append("%s := %s" % (field_name, val)) return '\n'.join(buffer)
[docs]def get_debug_code_object_dict(code_object): dct = {} for field in CO_FIELDS: val = getattr(code_object, field) dct[field] = val return dct