Source code for equip.prog

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

  Handles the current program for instrumentation.

  :copyright: (c) 2014 by Romain Gaucher (@rgaucher)
  :license: Apache 2, see LICENSE for more details.
import os
import compileall

from .utils.log import logger
from .utils.files import scan_dir

[docs]class Program(object): """ Captures the sources and binaries from the current program to instrument. """ def __init__(self, instrumentation): self.instrumentation = instrumentation self.options = self.instrumentation.options self.input_location = self.instrumentation.location self.program_files = [] self._bytecode_files = [] if isinstance(self.input_location, basestring): self.input_location = (self.input_location,)
[docs] def create_program(self, skip_rebuild=False): """ Creates the structure of the program with its source files and binary files. When the ``Instrument`` option ``force-rebuild`` is set, it will trigger the compilation of all python source files. :param skip_rebuild: Force skipping the build. Mostly here due to the recursive nature of this function. """ self.program_files = [] self._bytecode_files = [] for location in self.input_location: scan_dir(location, self.program_files, ('py', 'pyc')) # Do we need to compile all the files? py_files, pyc_files = Program.split_program_source_bc(self.program_files) logger.debug("Force rebuilding? %s", self.options.get('force-rebuild')) if not skip_rebuild: if len(py_files) != len(pyc_files) or self.instrumentation.get_option('force-rebuild'): self.compile_program() else: self._bytecode_files = list(pyc_files) logger.debug("Bytecode := %s", pyc_files)
[docs] def compile_program(self): """ Compiles the program. """ for location in self.input_location: compileall.compile_dir(location, quiet=True) self.create_program(skip_rebuild=True)
@property def bytecode_files(self): """ The list of pyc files. """ if not self._bytecode_files: self.create_program() return self._bytecode_files @staticmethod
[docs] def split_program_source_bc(lst): py_files, pyc_files = [], [] for f in lst: dest = py_files if f.lower().endswith('.py') else pyc_files dest.append(f) return py_files, pyc_files